Specialist Disability Accomodation

We can support you to understand and explore your home and living options, and work with you to prepare your SDA (Specialist Disability Accomodation) and/or ILO (Individualised Living Options) application from start to finish.

SDA housing is designed for people with ‘Extreme Functional Impairment’ or ‘Very High Support Needs’. Only a small number of NDIS participants need SDA housing; if you don’t need SDA the NDIS has other options to help with home and living. Talk to us about your needs, and we’ll help you explore your options.

To apply for SDA you need to have an NDIS plan, and have goals about ‘home and living’ in your plan. If you have an NDIS plan but don’t have goals relating to housing, you can request a review to get new goals added and Support Coordination and/or ILO – Exploration and Design  funding to help you explore your options and make an application for SDA.

The NDIS will assess your request for SDA based on a form you have to submit, along with as much supporting evidence as you can get from your allied health, provider and medical teams.

Gathering and coordinating all the information, connecting with the right people, and managing the application process, can be a lot of work. 

Once you have SDA funding approved, then you can link in with the SDA provider of your choice (they build/manage the house itself) to find the right home for you. You also need to start building your support team,  find the right housemate/s if you want to share, and start the move in.

We can help  you with all of this, you don’t have to do it alone.


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